Cloud-Native Kafka for Stream Web3 Data

Empower your decentralized applications with real-time Web3 data streaming, tailored for the next generation of the internet.



The 10x Kafka delivers high-throughput and low-latency streaming, ensuring unmatched reliability with the unique capability to replay Web3 data, revolutionizing decentralized data processing.
High Throughput

High Throughput

Tailored for large-scale Web3 data updates, The Cloud-Native Kafka ensures that data transmission is done efficiently and at unparalleled speeds.



With redundant data storage across a distributed system, Chainbase Cloud-Native Kafka guarantees data preservation and accessibility, and keep the service 7/24 reliable

Low Latency

Low Latency

Benefit from near-instantaneous data transmission with Kafka's low latency feature. Whether it's for real-time analytics or time-sensitive applications, Kafka ensures minimal delay from data generation to consumption.



Dive back into past data streams at any point, enabling a comprehensive review and ensuring Web3 data integrity and accuracy over time.

Trusted by the best teams in the world


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