How to Get All ENS Domain Names by an Address

How to Get All ENS Domain Names by an Address

Takahashi Kaito

Takahashi Kaito

Chainbase Intern


Have you ever wondered how to retrieve all the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain names owned by a specific wallet address? In this article, we will guide you through the process of obtaining ENS domains using the Chainbase getAccountENS API. Whether you're a developer or an enthusiast interested in exploring ENS ownership, this step-by-step tutorial will provide you with the necessary tools and instructions.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview - Tools you need to work with Chainbase
  2. Step 1: Set up a free account at Chainbase
  3. Step 2: Write script using Chainbase API
  4. Step 3: Print ENS domains
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

Overview - Tools you need to work with Chainbase

Before we dive into the process of retrieving ENS domain names, let's ensure we have the necessary tools in place. Here's what you'll need:

  1. A free account at Chainbase with an API key: To access Chainbase's functionality and APIs, you need to create a free account on our platform and obtain an API key.
  2. An IDE: For the examples provided in this article, we'll be using JavaScript. You can use a popular IDE like VS Code to write and execute the scripts.

With these tools at your disposal, you're ready to proceed to the next steps.

Step 1: Set up a free account at Chainbase

To make the most of Chainbase's capabilities, you should register for a free account on their platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Chainbase website ( and create an account.
  2. Log in to your account and navigate to the dashboard, where you'll find an overview of your projects.
  3. Create a new project within the console. This will allow you to organize your work effectively.
  4. Obtain your API key, which you'll need in the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Write script using Chainbase API

Now that you have a Chainbase account and an API key, it's time to write a script that interacts with the Chainbase getAccountENS API. We'll provide examples using both the fetch and axios libraries in JavaScript. Choose the one that suits your preferences or existing project setup.

Using fetch in JavaScript

network_id = '1'; // See to get the id of different chains.
wallet_addr = '0x57511688c0ca7Cc7C25B90aE51C62B64652136Ac'; // Take our CTO Xiaocong's wallet address as an example.

fetch(`${network_id}&address=${wallet_addr}`, {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'x-api-key': CHAINBASE_API_KEY, // Replace the field with your API key.
        'accept': 'application/json'
}).then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

Using axios in JavaScript

First, install axios by running npm install axios --save in your terminal.

network_id = '1'; // See to get the id of different chains.
wallet_addr = '0x57511688c0ca7Cc7C25B90aE51C62B64652136Ac'; // Take our CTO Xiaocong's wallet address as an example.

const axios = require('axios');
const options = {
    url: `${network_id}&address=${wallet_addr}`,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'x-api-key': CHAINBASE_API_KEY, // Replace the field with your API key.
        'accept': 'application/json'
    .then(response => console.log(
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

Choose the appropriate code snippet based on your preference and execute it in your IDE. This script will retrieve the ENS domains associated with the provided wallet address.

Step 3: Print ENS domains

To get data printed, run command node <filename>.js in the terminal.

After executing the script, you will receive a response containing the ENS domain names owned by the provided wallet address. The response will be in JSON format, and here's an example:

    "address": "0x57511688c0ca7cc7c25b90ae51c62b64652136ac",
    "expiration_time": "2023-04-17T14:19:21Z",
    "name": "lxcong",
    "owner": "0x57511688c0ca7Cc7C25B90aE51C62B64652136Ac",
    "registrant": "0x57511688c0ca7cc7c25b90ae51c62b64652136ac",
    "registrant_time": "2022-04-17T08:30:09Z",
    "resolver": "0x4976fb03c32e5b8cfe2b6ccb31c09ba78ebaba41",
    "text_records": {},
    "token_id": "63135721284494715790867739452503301817186787830065141439742276093364926543362"

The response contains information such as the address, expiration time, name, owner, registrant, resolver, text records, and token ID for each ENS domain.


Retrieving ENS domain names associated with a specific wallet address is made easy with the Chainbase getAccountENS API. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can obtain valuable information about ENS ownership. Start exploring the ENS ecosystem and discover the fascinating world of decentralized naming systems.

Remember, Chainbase offers a range of APIs and features beyond what we covered here. Refer to their documentation for further details and explore the possibilities.


1. What is the Chainbase getAccountENS API?

Our Chainbase getAccountENS API is an endpoint that allows you to retrieve all Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain names owned by a specific wallet address. By providing the chain ID and wallet address as parameters, you can access valuable information about ENS ownership.

2. Can I use Chainbase with wallets other than Ethereum?

Currently, Chainbase primarily supports Ethereum chains. You can utilize Chainbase and its APIs to interact with Ethereum-based wallets and retrieve ENS domain data. For other blockchain ecosystems, refer to the specific tools and services available for those platforms such as spaceID in bsc.

3. Is Chainbase free to use?

Yes, we offers free account option that provides access to our APIs and data cloud. However, we also have additional premium features or plans for advanced usage.

4. Can I retrieve ENS domains for any wallet address?

Yes, as long as you have the wallet address for which you want to retrieve the ENS domains, you can use our Chainbase getAccountENS API to obtain the relevant information. The API provides ENS domain details specific to the provided wallet address.

5. How often is the ENS domain ownership data updated?

The ENS domain ownership data provided by our Chainbase getAccountENS API is based on the latest information available on the Ethereum blockchain. As blockchain data is immutable, the ownership data is as accurate and up-to-date as the underlying blockchain network. However, individual ENS domain owners may update their domain settings, so it's advisable to consider potential changes over time.

About Chainbase

Chainbase is an all-in-one data infrastructure for Web3 that allows you to index, transform, and use on-chain data at scale. By leveraging enriched on-chain data and streaming computing technologies across one data infrastructure, Chainbase automates the indexing and querying of blockchain data, enabling developers to accomplish more with less effort.

Want to learn more about Chainbase?

Visit our website Sign up for a free account, and Check out our documentation.
